Social Media Dominates is reader-supported. Meaning, this post may contain affiliate links & I'll get a commission if you decide to purchase through my link, at no cost to you.

It’s been long, very long, since you might have seen any content, let alone a new one, on this blog. And, I am here to break that streak. Again!
A few things have changed ever since the last time you read this blog:
- I have become a better writer. In fact, a full-time professional one. (Hit me up at [email protected] or LinkedIn, if you need one?)
- I have got quite some experience in the Digital Marketing, Social media, and SEO landscape.
- I have got time, passion, and purpose to update this blog regularly.
Now, coming to the future. Here’s what you will get to see in the future:
- In the future, you will be seeing used-to-write-previously information & tips about digital marketing.
- Additionally, will be sharing a few of my personal stories of how I landed a client & you can too. (If you are a client or are going to be one, don’t worry, it’s going to be the “anonymous client”, and I am not Facebook to give away your information.).
- Might be starting an affiliate site as well, so probably you will be seeing about that. Not sure, though.
I think that’s about it. Welcome to socialmediadominates. Subscribe to the newsletter, if you wish to.
Goodbye! See you guys with the next one. Until then, you can connect with me on my LinkedIn.